Tim Frye
Tim Frye is a retired military officer and past president of the Indianapolis Kiwanis Club. He was appointed Indiana State chairman by Kiwanis governor Mort Bonesteel to raise money for Riley Hospital for Children via Indiana State Bowling chairman.
Tim is married and resides in Greenwood, Indiana and works for the US Postal Service. He attended Gaston College, the University of North Carolina, the University of Tennessee, Clark College and Indiana Central University. Tims military decorations include the Bronze Star and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm.
An avid golfer, Tim was appointed Golf Chairman by Major General Will Prather of the Indiana National Guard Reserve, to oversee and set up competition state wide. Tim also enjoys camping and fishing.
A life-long Republican with conservative values, he decided to run for the Office of the Constable in 2006 against the Republican incumbent. Tim is now helping Indiana and America to get good people to enter government work and service so we can limit government not only in size and scope, but also in over-taxation, over-spending, liberalism and socialism.
Conservative Party USA