Steve Ransbottom
Born in Waukesha, WI, Steve Ransbottom was raised with his four siblings in West Allis, WI in a poor Middle Class family. His father having been a union truck dock worker and his mother a waitress for a small restaurant, life was tough, money was tight, so Steve made the decision to serve. Steve spent six years with the US Army, at 17, he needed to mature quickly within the service. Taking basic training at Ft Sill, OK as a Forward Observer for the Field Artillery, he proved he had the necessary leadership skills and excelled throughout his service, having served first with 1st Calvary Division at Ft Hood, TX. Then given orders to serve with, C-Battery 94th Field Artillery, Berlin Brigade, Berlin, Germany. Medically retired from the Army, Steve transitioned to civilian life where he worked at the Milwaukee Main Post Office until a severe back injury forced him into a new career as an Information Technology Professional, where he has been for the last 18 years, now working as a Technical Analyst in Stevens Point.
Steve is a proud veteran, a loving husband to Kelly, a father of four, a grandfather, a son of a veteran, a brother of four siblings (two of whom are veterans). He is also a life member of the VFW and DAV, Oath Keeper for life and a born-again Christian. Now leading the way for the Conservative Party in Wisconsin, Steve believes in what our Founding Fathers established, that we must bring these principles back. Constitutional Law is the law of this Land, our borders must be closed and patrolled and we must give the power back to "We the People".
Conservative Party USA